Springfield, Missouri

PARANORMAL  TASK FORCE has been to this enchanted haunted location many times to conduct
ghost hunting workshops, interactive investigations and even to participate in filming of a segment of
the movie "Children of the Grave".  Through our multiple visits, overnight stays and exploration
within every nook, cranny and tunnel; we have had many experiences and can truly say this is one, if
not the most haunted location, in the state of Missouri and possibly the Midwest.    

With it's eloquent charm, mystic atmosphere, mysterious past, lovely hosts and an abundance of
occurring unexplainable events; this is one place that you want to add to your "places to visit before
you pass on" list.  When you indulge yourself within this building once, you will find yourself with an
addiction to return multiple times as we have to experience more of what it has to offer.

With the unique history this magnificent building has endured over the past century, there is no
shortage of legends and factual events to support the plethora of paranormal activity that still resides

On the darker side, these legends and stories date back to when the Castle provided a refuge for
orphans and include heart saddening stories of mistreatment through punishment and other abuse.  
It has been told through the decades that many times these orphans had to deliver laundry and other
things to the old power house and laundry building which sits behind the castle.  To do this, the
orphans were made to crawl through the underground tunnel which connects the two buildings.  This
same tunnel also housed the scalding hot steam pipes which provided steam to the castle and many
times was filled with mud, debris and vicious rodents.  It was also in this same tunnel that tales tell of
orphans who were taken there and abused by a very large man who once worked there.

Then during the second world war, many do not realize that Prisoners of War were kept at the Army's
O'Reilly General Hospital Complex and used for labor.  Also, some veterans of this war have told
stories about high ranking Japanese, German and Italian POW's that were brought to the Castle and
held captive in the basement.  Some of these POW's were also interrogated there which resulted in
"not so happy" endings.

Then soon after, the Veterans Administration used the complex for treating those who fell ill with
tuberculosis which provided even more sorrow and death to this location!

The Castle has also seen many natural and accidental deaths take place within its walls over the past
century as well as the deaths of those by their own hand.

The haunting of the Castle stems back to when it served as the Service Club for the Army Complex in
the 1940's.  There have been many reports of unexplainable activity from those who spent time within
the Castle's walls during that period.  Many of these reports would include hearing voices call out
when no one else was around, objects such as books in the library moving on their own, being
touched by the unseen and even seeing ghostly figures of children from time to time inside and
outside of the Castle.  One good example of an account from that era was written by Lee Prossor and
can be found on the Ghost Village website by clicking

Similar reports of unexplainable activity continued through the yeats the Castle was used for offices
and finally vacated.  The Castle sat empty for some time until bought by its current owner Tamara
Finocchiaro in 2003.  Once she moved in and started to bring life back to the Castle the experiences
continued and have been witnessed by Tamara, family, friends, guest and paranormal investigators.

The experiences over the years have included the full realm of textbook atypical "haunting content".  
Such content has included visual sightings (full apparitions), audible experiences (disembodied
voices), environmental changes (cold/hot spots and unexplainable areas of moving emf), olfactory
occurrences (unexplainable smells), physical events (being touched and things moving ont heir own)
and a wide array of empathic experiences (unexplainable extreme emotional feelings) by  many.

Then in 2006 the Booth Brothers (Spooked Television), Keith Age and members of Paranormal Task
Force investigated and filmed at this location for a segment in the documentary "Children of the
Grave" which has aired on SyFy and still is available on DVD.  The Pythian Castle was not shy when
invaded by the investigators and film crew as a full spectrum of evidence and encounters were
captured and filmed.

We will not list all of the evidence captured during that filming here, but will rather encourage you to
watch "Children of the Grave" for yourself.  We will say that you will not be disappointed!

However, here is one EVP that was captured during the filming while in the underground tunnel that
was not used in the movie.  We first thought this was a German voice saying the word "Abusage"
which is actually an old English word.  Click the EVP button below to listen.

If you have more information concerning the haunting of this location then please contact us.
Tragic Past
The Haunting
Captured at the July 30, 2010 Public Overnight Investigation

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